Thanks for visiting my amateur radio web site! I hope that reading this overview and clicking through the links will give you a better idea of my activities and interests.

I prefer to be called Ed, as Edward seems too formal, at least for amateur radio.

My prior call signs include WN8CSF/WA8CSF (1962 to 1972) and WB0IVJ (1972 to mid-1970s). In the mid-1970s, the FCC allowed extra class amateurs to select 1x2 call signs (before vanity calls were permitted) and since I was living in Kansas City at the time, K0KC seemed like a great call sign and most importantly, it was available! I have maintained this call sign despite subsequent moves to Arizona, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and back to Ohio; I have no plans to ever change it.

My current amateur radio interests are Software-Defined Radio (SDR), the digital modes [primarily FT4, FT8, MSK144 (meteor scatter), Winlink Express (VARA HF, VARA FM or VHF/UHF packet), and VARA FM Chat/File Transfer]. I also do a little CW and SSB from time to time. More recent areas of interest include VHF/UHF FT8, D-STAR, and HF QRP. In my early years as a ham, six meter AM, two meter FM, and HF CW were my primary areas of activity.

My primary transceivers today are a Flex-6700, an Icom IC-7700, an Icom IC-9700 and an Alinco DR-435. I use the 2 meter capability of the Flex-6700 with a Down East Microwave 2MLDPA amplifier and a Mirage 160 watt amplifier. I also use the Flex-6700 with a 222 MHz (1.25 meter) transverter. I boost the 10 watt output of the IC-9700 on 23 cm with a Down East Microwave/Q5 Signal 60 watt amplifier. I also often switch on the Mirage 160 watt amplifier to follow the IC-9700 on 2 meters. The Alinco DR-435 is currently being used for a Winlink VARA FM gateway on 70 cm. I have also recently built a QRP Labs QDX Digital HF transceiver kit (4-5 watts) to support my renewed interest in QRP. I normally run the QDX using JTDX under Windows 10 but I have also interfaced this transceiver to my RaspberryPi 3B+ running WSJT-X under Linux with both devices using battery power.

I have recently acquired two Down East Microwave low power 13 cm transverters for my Flex-6700 and IC-7700 for experiments on 13 cm (2.304 GHz) and I am in the process of putting together a 3 cm (10.368 GHz) system.

In the 1970s and 1980s my antenna situation was more flexible (compared to today) and I utilized a number of VHF/UHF rigs and amplifiers, culminating with a Kenwood TS-790A for the satellite mode of operation. At that time I used az-el rotatable circularly-polarized 2 meter and 70 cm crossed yagi antennas with mast-mounted preamps installed on the chimneys of my homes. I initially tracked the satellites with software that I developed on an old HP-97 programmable calculator to solve the orbital equations (remember this was in the early 1970s before the days of personal computers).

I have built several home-brew and kit-based HF/VHF/UHF converters, receivers, transmitters and transceivers over my amateur radio career and in my early days as a ham I also modified some military surplus equipment that I acquired as a USAF MARS member for use on the amateur radio bands.

I also have a tri-band Kenwood TH-F6 VHF/UHF HT, a tri-band tri-band Kenwood TH-D74 VHF/UHF HT, a dual-band Yaesu FT-470 VHF/UHF HT and an old Kenwood TR-2500 VHF HT. The TH-D74 allows me to operate D-STAR with the aid of a Raspberry Pi/MMDVM hot spot (Rugged Spot) or an OpenSPOT 3 hot spot both located here in the shack. The OpenSPOT 3 allows hardware trans-coding between D-STAR and other digital voice modes such as DMR and Fusion. The OpenSPOT 3 also includes an internal battery and I sometimes use it mobile or portable in conjunction with an internet connection via my iPhone hot spot. I can also operate D-STAR with my IC-9700 either through one of the two hotspots or by linking to a local D-STAR repeater via RF. The TH-F6 is currently being used for Winlink Express and VARA FM Chat on VHF and UHF.

My primary amateur radio computer is a Dell Optiplex 780 with a quad-core CPU. I can access my Flex-6700 from anywhere in the house via my LAN using a Windows laptop running SmartSDR or via my iPhone or iPad running the SmartSDR for iOS app. I can also access the 6700 from anywhere in the world that an internet connection is available.

My digital mode software is normally WSJT-X or JTDX under Windows 10. I use an essential supporting program for both WSJT-X and JTDX, JTAlert. I sometimes use Fldigi for the other digital modes such as Olivia and Contestia.

My "antenna farm" consists of a one meter diameter MFJ 40 meter to 15 meter remotely-tunable loop (currently inoperative), a random wire with counterpoise which I use on 160 meters through 10 meters, a horizontal loop for 6 meters, a 16-element 23 centimeter yagi, a 2 meter/70 cm vertical, and a pair of stacked 2 meter horizontal loops all located in the attic above the garage. I recently built a 1.25 meter J-Pole and a 70 cm J-Pole from half-inch copper pipes which are up there as well. I use a Kenwood antenna tuner to keep my HF rigs and antennas matched as required.

Since 2011, I have operated mostly via the digital modes JT65, JT9, FT4, and FT8 which has allowed me to complete over 45,000 stateside and DX contacts with relatively low power and the indoor antennas mentioned above. I should mention that I also own two Vibroplex paddles for use (one at a time) when I am in a mood for the original digital mode, CW; the Flex-6700 is an outstanding performer on CW.

I have an 8-Band WAS certificate, 36 states confirmed on 160 meters, 49 states (need AK) and 30 DXCC entities worked on 60 meters, 48 states and 25 DXCC entities confirmed on 6 meters, 24 states confirmed on 2 meters, 10 states confirmed on 70 centimeters, 3 states confirmed on 23 centimeters, 1 state confirmed on 1.25 meters, DXCC (143 entities worked, 133 confirmed), VUCC (6 meters) and WPX (Digital), all using JT65/JT9/FT4/FT8 and the compromise antenna setup described above. Additionally, I have WAS endorsement stickers for FT4 and FT8, a WAS certificate for JT65, and a WAS certificate for 20 meter JT9. My awards are shown as "badges" at the top of my web page.

You may contact me via email at: or

Please QSL via LOTW (I upload daily), but if you want a card, I will gladly send one to you if you include an SASE. I also upload to, HRDLog, and eQSL daily to support other hams who might be seeking awards from those organizations.